"Our mission for the 21st century is to connect to our roots and hearts, and empower people to reconnect with nature and animals. That is the reason why I created Vegedu."

Shirley Rosenhouse, Founder of Vegedu

Vegedu is an educational business that offers lectures to increase awareness in a variety of biological issues (like animal protection, nature conservation, health, veganism and environmental education) for a better future.

The location

Vegedu’s lectures and workshops are available both indoor and outdoor – at schools, community centers, museums, etc.
We also offer lectures, small workshops and special events in Woodland Hills, with a panoramic view to
the San Fernando Valley.

Shirley Rosenhouse, B.Sc

Shirley Rosenhouse is the owner & founder of Vegedu, Shirley is a former Israeli who moved to Los Angeles in 2016 with her vegan husband.

Shirley has been vegan for the last 23 years (and vegetarian for more than 25 years) and witnessed the vegan revolution first hand during the last decade across the globe.

Shirley holds a B.Sc in Biology, and a science teaching certificate which she completed with no animal testing.

In 2019 Shirley received her Health Educator certificate from the Hippocrates Health Institute. By going vegan at an early age, Shirley healed herself from several health issues, and these days she is helping others by sharing her story as well as tips from her life transformation.

Shirley is the inventor of the “Fly” method that helps us with creating changes in life while connecting to butterflies and other animals.

Shirley is happily married to Ron, and raises her two beloved dogs: Joy the tri-pod and Chompy the little champion.

Joy the tripod

Joy is a tripod dog who was rescued from Armenia and brought to the US by the non profit organization “Mutts in need”. 

Shirley read Joy’s story, saw her picture and immediately fell in love. 

Joy, just like her name, is full of happiness, good energy and endless joy. Joy may have lost her leg, but never lost her Joy and that is the reason Joy was chosen to serve the community with this huge message. Joy is a living example to the fact that animals heal better than people. With people, in most cases the mental challenges are worse than any disability, and during a healing process we should learn from animals and reconnect with them as part of mutual therapy. 

For being the most amazing dog in the world, and an ambassadress of survival, Joy earned her own lecture – “My Joy”.

Joy loves all people and especially children, loves to play and runs better than most 4-legged dogs and the average person.

Chompy the little champion

Chompy was adopted in Israel and relocated with Shirley to California. 
You probably won’t believe it, however Chompy was found on the streets, eating from the trash, after his old owners abandoned him.

It is hard to accept it, because Chompy (like all dogs) is a perfect dog or even more than perfect as Shirley describes. 
He was rescued by an organization called “Hertzelia Loves Animals” and it took only one moment for Shirley to fall in love with his curly terrier look.
Chompy is both a rising star and a sunshine. He likes all people and to fall asleep during interviews.
Chompy would love to join any interview as an ambassador for all his furry mix breed friends and woooof the proof that real diamonds can be found on the streets and in shelters, rather than jewelry stores. 
Chompy always wins when playing tennis by himself and that’s how he earned the Champion title.