Lectures for adults

Veganism Workshops and Health Education

Introduction to veganism through a series of 5 sessions that will cover a variety of substitutes to meat, fish, dairy, eggs and honey. 

*Suitable for vegan diet and raw food diet.

Veganism & health

Today we know that veganism is not only a humane choice, it is also the healthiest one.
Shirley Rosenhouse, a biologist who healed herself from severe asthma and breathing problems by going vegan will share both her own story and all the biological facts related to raw food and disease prevention.

Empowered by nature

Vegedu brings the beauty of nature to the stage through a series of unique lectures, that expand your knowledge and empower your personal life or business.


Do you believe you can “fly”?

We believe you can, spiritually!

Shirley is the inventor of the “Fly” method that helps us with creating changes in life while connecting to animals and being inspired and empowered from the butterfly’s metamorphosis.

In this lectue you will get many tools to create your own life transformation.

Love and relationship in the animal kingdom

Secrets we can learn from the animals about different types of families and parental care of offspring.
This lecture will not just make you fall in love again with nature and animals, it will also give you tips on how to improve your own love life & family.
A lecture that will definitely warm your heart.
Perfect for Valentine’s Day & Family Day.

From the Holy land to Hollywood

It is no secret that Israel is considered the capital of veganism, but what is the secret behind the rise of veganism in Israel? Shirley Rosenhouse is a former Israeli who moved to Los Angeles in 2016. Shirley has been vegan for the last 23 years and witnessed the vegan revolution first hand during the last decade across the globe.